Will Airsoft Bbs Sting Enough to Scare Varmints Away

Will Airsoft Bbs Sting Enough to Scare Varmints Away

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#1643201 - 07/28/ten 03:21 PM I need a non-lethal gun for deer

Aye, non-lethal.

I alive in a deer-infested neighborhood in the mountains of Colorado. Since there are neighbors houses all around me, information technology'south illegal to shoot to impale. But I do demand to scare them away before they kill all the trees and other plants in my yard.

Does anyone know of a reasonably priced "firearm" to do that ?

#1643204 - 07/28/10 03:24 PM Re: I need a non-lethal gun for deer [Re: JMAudio]
Die Hard Member Iii

Registered: 05/05/07
Posts: 2642
Loc: Arizona

Paintball with Pepper

Life Member NRA, fifty-fifty though I don't always concord.

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#1643211 - 07/28/x 03:35 PM Re: I need a non-lethal gun for deer [Re: MGYSGT]
Die Difficult Fellow member II

Registered: 12/05/08
Posts: 1433
Loc: Las Cruces, New Mexico, Us

Paintball gun with pepper balls may work perfect. Information technology'll bring a petty sting merely no real injury, and the pepper is a strong deterrent to annihilation with a nose, optics, and oral cavity. You should look if this would be legal though. I believe this would authorize as harassing wildlife in NM, and that would get you a whole lot of trouble from NMDGF.

#1643214 - 07/28/10 03:37 PM Re: I need a non-lethal gun for deer [Re: MGYSGT]
Seasoned Member

Registered: 04/01/08
Posts: 201

What comes to mind is either blanks or those 12ga shells that sling M-lxxx's. The bean bag or plastic bullet rounds that they use for urban riots would footstep that up another notch. Heck, maybe fireworks would exist best. Something loud for sure. The impact would be secondary to noise if trying to scare them away in my stance. Could yous fire live rounds into the dirt just to make noise? I call back there are chemicals out there too that repel deer by scent.

Personally, I remember I would let them come up in and then utilize MGYSGT'due south proffer just for fun. You would know the ones you've hit before due to the paint marks on them. Catch and release hunting!

Merely what practice I know? Cheers, Jason

#1643218 - 07/28/10 03:45 PM Re: I need a non-lethal gun for deer [Re: BLUE_CAN]
Junior Member

Registered: 07/20/10
Posts: 42
Loc: Colorado, U.S.A.

I similar the pepper pigment ball thought !

Where do you buy pepper paint balls ?

Edited by JMAudio (07/28/10 03:47 PM)

#1643220 - 07/28/x 03:47 PM Re: I need a non-lethal gun for deer [Re: BLUE_CAN]
Seasoned Member

Registered: 04/01/08
Posts: 201

Well, allow me taper my response a little, Nosotros are having a wet yr hither in MO. Fireworks in the mountains of Colorado could be a definite fire gamble that you wouldn't desire to be the trigger of. I sometimes think of thing similar "if information technology was my backyard" instead of yours.
As to the harrassment, is information technology really harassment if they are coming to your firm? I know information technology all boils down to what the game warden has to say but that is my thinking.
How exactly do you make a paintball brindled?

But what exercise I know? Cheers, Jason

#1643234 - 07/28/ten 04:29 PM Re: I need a not-lethal gun for deer [Re: BLUE_CAN]
Seasoned Member

Registered: 04/01/08
Posts: 201

okay, I just google educated myself. I see that there are pepperballs out there for sale. They seem very expensive, if you can go them equally a civilian. Best of Luck with whatever you try.

But what do I know? Thank you, Jason

#1643237 - 07/28/10 04:33 PM Re: I need a not-lethal gun for deer [Re: BLUE_CAN]
Dice Hard Member II

Registered: 12/05/08
Posts: 1433
Loc: Las Cruces, New United mexican states, USA

They sell pepper paintball rounds for dealing with people like in crowds. I know Dogg the Compensation Hunter uses them when people are being less than cooperative. You should be able to order them online somewhere. Google should do it easily enough. If y'all have difficulties finding them with Google requite me a PM I may have a bookmark to them on one of my computers.

#1643265 - 07/28/10 05:29 PM Re: I need a non-lethal gun for deer [Re: Jeepdude1987]
Die Hard Member II

Registered: 08/xiv/07
Posts: 1035
Loc: ND

I would advise a slingshot fabricated for paintballs, the gun thing may exist cooler, but they do brand noise, and if a neighbor did see you "shooting a gun at deer" out of flavour it may crusade a bit of a fuss.

That and the slingshot would exist

A. cheaper

B fun to master something new

C less range for a miss to travel ie pepper balls all over the neighbors thousand, im sure they would detest for their kids to detect them, if they are that shut.

good luck


#1643269 - 07/28/10 05:twoscore PM Re: I need a non-lethal gun for deer [Re: kal52]
Retired PM Staff

Registered: 01/08/08
Posts: 10218
Loc: NM

Red Passenger BB gun.

FoxPro FieldStaff
Benjamin Hunting ProStaff
Coyote Light Prostaff

#1643272 - 07/28/10 05:44 PM Re: I need a not-lethal gun for deer [Re: rockinbbar]
Die Difficult Member Two

Registered: 12/05/08
Posts: 1433
Loc: Las Cruces, New United mexican states, USA

Will a red rider actually deter deer rockinbbar?

#1643275 - 07/28/10 05:55 PM Re: I need a non-lethal gun for deer [Re: Jeepdude1987]
Junior Member

Registered: 07/20/10
Posts: 42
Loc: Colorado, U.Due south.A.

Thank you for all the ideas.

I wonder if the BB gun would disturb the deer even equally much every bit me yelling at them. If I yell at them, they'll run away but they're back the side by side day.

Never been hit by a paint ball, but I've heard they sting. I desire to make this as unpleasant as possible for the deer, which is why the pepper paint ball seems to make a lot of sense.

#1643277 - 07/28/10 05:59 PM Re: I need a non-lethal gun for deer [Re: rockinbbar]
Seasoned Member

Registered: 11/13/07
Posts: 447
Loc: parrish,FL

I have shot a few people with pepper assurance. A pepper ball is a lot harder than a paint brawl and they hurt (don't know personally but everyone I seen striking falls and yells).
I similar the slingshot idea. You lot tin can get one at Wal-Mart for around $x. Selection up a purse of marbles at a dollar store, they are cheaper than the bearings they sell for shooting.

I would rather be a Lion for 1 day, than a Sheep for a 100 years.

#1643278 - 07/28/10 06:03 PM Re: I demand a non-lethal gun for deer [Re: sparky13]
Die Hard Member II

Registered: x/xx/04
Posts: 1945
Loc: North America

Tune down the poundage on your bow and get some blunts. You'd be getting good archery practice in at the aforementioned fourth dimension you're saving the yard from the demo deer. Tell the neighbors what you're doing and then nobody looks out their window thinking you're killing deer.

#1643284 - 07/28/10 06:15 PM Re: I need a not-lethal gun for deer [Re: snowcamoman]
Dice Hard Member II

Registered: 12/05/08
Posts: 1433
Loc: Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA

Slingshots can be authentic with paintballs. Marbles are frangible rounds in a sling shot. Striking a wall and they transport glass EVERYWHERE! Watched from BEHIND my brother as he learned that the hard way.


Will Airsoft Bbs Sting Enough to Scare Varmints Away

Posted by: gonzalesthibely95.blogspot.com

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